Core Investment Principles
Allocating your investments among various assets will help minimize risk while meeting an expected level of risk adjusted return. We accomplish a diversified and balanced portfolio through the proper execution of 3 core models:
Core Plus: Provides the opportunity to add high yielding fixed income investments, which include short-term renovation and Business Purpose Loans for both residential and commercial properties.
Value Add: One of the most risk balanced strategies, we target assets with in-place cash-flow with the opportunity to increase that cash-flow over time by making improvements or repositioning the properties.
Opportunistic: These assets are either incomplete/ failed projects, or distressed assets typically vacant & in need of significant rehabilitation at time of acquisition. In addition, opportunities for the development of raw land strategically situated for growth present the highest level of return, but also associated with more risk.
Both Debt & Equity Structures
Over 1879 Investors Served
Average Investment $100,000.00
Empowering Ordinary Investors to Achieve Extraordinary Returns
Over 1879 Investors Served
U.S. States & Territories: 49 49
Empowering Ordinary Investors to Achieve Extraordinary Returns
HIS provides a gateway into real estate investing once reserved for only the wealthiest investors. By targeting and investing in opportunities in multiple asset classes that provide strong yields, we’ve developed viable options for the individual accredited investor to take part in opportunities previously considered as out of reach and co-invest alongside seasoned investors.
By breaking down previous barriers to entry into this space we've afforded investors at both levels to align and achieve a balanced portfolio of capital appreciation and cash-flow through ownership and business purpose lending alternatives. Our tenured history of success in acquisition, private lending, project development and management, combined with state- of-the art technology provides the path to continued growth and operational expansion.
Value-based investing with HIS is the right fit for 1879 investors from 49 states and 5 countries. What about you?
Community Development Project
Funded through our Business Loan Division
Our Executive Team
Steve Landaal
VP of Portfolio Management
Rick Melero
Toshi Endo
Operation Director
Copyright HIS CAPITAL GROUP 2018. All rights reserved.
For our anticipated Regulation A offering, until such time that the Offering Statement is qualified by the SEC, no money or consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response prior to qualification, such money will not be accepted. No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is qualified. Any offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of its acceptance given after the qualification date. A person's indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.
None of the information contained on this website is a recommendation to invest in any securities. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in loss.